Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Getting Started

Okay, I admit I can be a little slow out of the gate on some things. I don't really understand why I was penalized for this behavior though.

I originally set this blog up while on a three week vacation to the upper-right quadrant of the United States. I managed to find the time to set it up, and I even changed some of the colors around, but I never got around to actually posting anything to it. I figured I could continue to take notes during the trip and regurgitate it all upon my return. Once back, I finally got around to making a post.
Your blog at: http://ghotihed.blogspot.com/ has been identified as a potential spam blog. To correct this, please request a review by filling out the form at <blah-de-blah-de-blah>.
I suppose an empty blog is considered spam. I'm not sure what I'm selling with that kind of message. Perhaps a general ennui?
"Act now and receive your own copy of nothing. No money down, nothing to buy. For just zilch plus shipping and handling (a nominal fee of zero), you too can be the proud owner of your very own nothing. Either that or 'No Tea'."
Ah well, it appears to be fixed now. Perhaps I should work harder on doing things faster.

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